
Pray your way through Advent - Love day 5

On the second week of Advent we light
the candle of Love

There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear because fear expects punishment. The person who is afraid has not been made perfect in love. (1 John 4:18, CEB)

Today’s Thought: I have no reason to be afraid of anything, because the light of God’s love illuminates the dark places in my life.

Today’s Prayer: Loving God, I don’t view myself as a fearful person, but when I really consider the nature of fear I realize differently. I worry about so many things—injury, natural disasters, war, sickness, school shootings, my family members coming to harm, finances, death. The list goes on. And what is worry except another aspect of fear? Today as I contemplate the flickering flame of the candle of love, I see how the light banishes the darkness around it. You are the light in the darkness of my life. In the light of Your love, the darkness flees. Shine brighter in me today, God. Drive away the fears I hide inside and flood me with Your light. Amen.

Copyright © 2018 by Virginia Smith. All rights reserved.

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