
Pray your way through Advent - Love day 4

On the second week of Advent we light
the candle of Love

God is love, and those who abide in love abide in God, and God abides in them. (1 John 4:16b NRSV)

Today’s Thought: I can’t fully comprehend divine love, but I can live in love because God lives in me.

Today’s Prayer: Almighty God, it is hard for me to understand the enormity of You. I view you from my limited human perspective, which has been influenced by my earthly relationships. People who have professed to love me have hurt me—parents, family members, friends—and those hurts corrupt my understanding of the real love You have for me. You are love. Love is the very substance of You. When I look at the Baby in the manger, I am seeing the perfect example of true, everlasting love. I will never understand that fully until I see you face to face, but I don’t want to wait that long. Teach me more about You today. Give me a glimpse of divine love in the midst of my activities of the day. Help me to live, to abide in Your love this Christmas season and always. Amen.

Copyright © 2018 by Virginia Smith. All rights reserved.

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