
Pray your way through Advent - Joy Day 6

The Candle of Joy – Day 6 - Friday

Shout for joy to God, all the earth! (Psalm 66:1 NIV)

 Today’s Thought: If I shout to celebrate a basketball goal, why don’t I shout for joy at something of eternal value – like Jesus in my life?

Today’s Prayer:  Lord God, the other day I was watching a basketball game and when my team made an important goal I was so excited I leaped up and gave a victory shout. Today when I read this verse, a thought occurred to me: how often do I get so excited about You that I shout out loud? When I think of the enormity that the Savior of the world is unseen but very much alive in my life, I should shout for joy. But I’m hesitant because I care too much what others think of me. If I stood up in church and gave a big “WOO HOO! Jesus is ALIVE!” they’d think I was nuts. This verse also makes me think of your second coming, the second Advent that I anticipate. When I see You face-to-face, I know I won’t be able to hold back a joyful shout. Do I have to wait, Lord? Help me to experience some of that spontaneous, unquenchable joy during this Christmas season. And help me not to care what others think of me for celebrating the joy You give to me.

Copyright © 2018 by Virginia Smith. All rights reserved.

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