
Pray your way through Advent - Joy Day 7

The Candle of Joy – Day 7 - Saturday

I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth. (3 John 1:4)

Today’s Thought: The happiness I feel in giving and receiving during Christmas is only a shadow of the deep joy I have when those I love understand the truth of the Baby in the manger.

Today’s Prayer:  Dear God, when I read this verse my mind is flooded with thoughts of the people I love. Not just my physical children and grandchildren, but those You’ve put in my life to love and befriend and nurture. During this Christmas season I strive to do something to please each one of them – host family dinners, take extra time to connect with those I don’t see often enough, wrack my brain to come up with gifts that will make them happy. I spend so much effort celebrating the Christmas season that I sometimes forget the true meaning—that the Baby whose birthday we commemorate came to reconcile the world to You, the God Who loves us. Any happiness my loved ones will feel when they open the gifts I’ve picked out for them is temporary, fleeting. But the truth of the real reason for Christmas comes with joy that is everlasting. My prayer today is that those I love will understand that truth in a fresh way during this Christmas season. Amen.

Copyright © 2018 by Virginia Smith. All rights reserved.

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