
Pray your way through Advent - Hope day 5

On the first Sunday of Advent we light
the candle of Hope

To them God has chosen to make known among the Gentiles the glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory. (Colossians 1:27, NIV)

Today’s Thought: We who belong to Christ Jesus have been given the privilege of reflecting the nature and character of God.

Today’s Prayer: All-knowing God, You entrusted a young and inexperienced girl with the job of birthing and raising Your only Son. What an incredibly daunting task Mary faced. Even more incredible is the fact that You trust me to bear His name, the name of Christian. Follower of Christ. The Apostle Paul spoke of a mystery, something the world before Jesus’s time could never understand. Even now I find it hard to comprehend that You would not only reconcile humanity to Yourself, but that You would let us share in Your own nature and character—your glory!—when we accept Jesus into our hearts. Left to my own devices, I have no hope, but You have not left me to myself. You sent Your Son to earth to save me, and to give me the most amazing hope of all—eternity with You. Let that hope guide my every word, every action, and every thought today and always. In Jesus’s name. Amen.

Copyright © 2018 by Virginia Smith. All rights reserved.

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