
Website Mystery Challenge - Post #5

The clues in my Website Mystery Challenge are starting to add up! How are you coming in solving the cryptogram? You'll get some fascinating hidden data when you figure the cryptogram out! Here's the next clue. To review the previous ones, click on the "Website Mystery Challenge" in the right column of this page.

Suspect Number Four:

Raul the Pool Boy has only been employed by Maryanne for three months. This cushy job is much better than slaving away in the hot Phoenix sun on a construction site. But it looks like the days of getting paid to hang around the rich lady’s pool have come to an end. Raul just hopes nobody discovers the other things Maryanne has been paying him to do.

Cryptogram Clue (6 words): 36- 2- 42- 24_____ 18- 38_____ 18- 28- 44- 10- 38- 40- 18- 14- 2- 40- 18- 28- 14_____ 26- 36- 38_____4- 42- 40- 24- 10- 36- 38_____ 32- 2- 38- 40.

Cryptogram Key = i=24, e=10