
He Loves Me NOW

I had coffee with a friend yesterday, and she said something that really resonated deep in my soul. We were discussing choices, and how we've all made wrong ones. What a comfort to know that we're forgiven, and God is working in us to make us more and more like Jesus. I recalled a saying we've all seen on bumper stickers or tee shirts: "Be patient with me. God's not finished with me yet."

My friend chuckled, and then she sobered. "But you know what? God doesn't just love some future version of us. He loves us now."

Have you ever thought about that? God doesn't love some future version of me. He loves me now. Even though I make all kinds of mistakes, some of them over and over. Even though I make wrong choices nearly every day. Even though I sin. God loves me right now, exactly as I am. When I think of that, really meditate on that truth, I'm blown away.

And then something struck me. My first published book was Just As I Am. I typically sign copies of that book with the inscription, "God loves you just as you are!"

Well, duh! (Slaps forehead.) I knew that! I guess I just got so wrapped up in striving to make right choices and be good and serve others that I forgot one of the most astounding facts of all:

But God demonstrates His own love for us in this: while we were still sinners Christ died for us. (Romans 5:8)