Last night I dreamed that I couldn’t find the place where I’d parked my car. I’ve actually dreamed often that I can’t find my car, so I’ve looked up what that might mean. If you believe that our dreams are often an expression of our emotional subconscious states and can be interpreted (which, I confess, I don’t always buy into 100%), you probably know that lost car dreams are pretty common. According to some, lost cars indicate uncertainty in your career. You’re trying to “get someplace” and you don’t know how you’re going to get there.
I find that extremely interesting in light of what happened yesterday. I have a new book that has just released, Lost Melody by Lori Copeland and Virginia Smith. I absolutely love this book, and I’m very, very eager for others to love it too. And so far the advance reviews have all been overwhelmingly positive. But yesterday the book received the first not-so-positive review. The reviewer said she was ‘disappointed’ in one aspect of the story. OUCH! I spent several hours yesterday obsessing about that negative review, and it really did shake my confidence for a while. An ugly little voice even whispered, “Well, there you go. Proof positive that you’re a lousy writer, and you’ll never get another book contract again. Your career is sunk.” And then I dreamed I couldn’t find my car!
The funny thing is that Lost Melody is a book about dreams. A woman loses her dream/goal of being a concert pianist when she injures her hand. Then she begins having a literal dream of an upcoming disaster. So it’s no surprise that I’ve been a bit focused on dreams lately, huh?
But you know what? The realization of the reason for that dream was healing for me this morning. When I realized that the worries about one single review were affecting me to the point of intruding on my sleep, I was able to pull that worry out into the light of consciousness and examine it. WHO CARES IF THAT LADY DIDN’T LIKE MY BOOK??? I love the book! Lori C, my co-author, loves the book. Dozens of others who have read the book love it and have heaped extravagant praise on it. My career is not sunk! And not only that, I know exactly where my car is!
Whew! What a relief!
About Lost Melody, by Lori Copeland and Virginia Smith: The beautiful piano sitting in the corner of Jill King's apartment begs to be played. For over a year, it has sat untouched, ever since a terrible accident shattered Jill's ambition of becoming a concert pianist. The ragged scar on her left hand is a cruel and constant reminder of the death of her dream. But another dream is about to come to life---an unexpected, horrifying dream that will present Jill with a responsibility she never wanted. And choices she never wanted to make. Hundreds of lives depend on Jill's willingness to warn her small, oceanside town in Nova Scotia of a nameless, looming disaster. But doing so could cost Jill her reputation, jeopardize the political career of the man she loves, and ruin their plans for a future together. The fate of an entire community hangs in the balance as Jill wrestles with the cost of heeding one still, small voice.
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I find that extremely interesting in light of what happened yesterday. I have a new book that has just released, Lost Melody by Lori Copeland and Virginia Smith. I absolutely love this book, and I’m very, very eager for others to love it too. And so far the advance reviews have all been overwhelmingly positive. But yesterday the book received the first not-so-positive review. The reviewer said she was ‘disappointed’ in one aspect of the story. OUCH! I spent several hours yesterday obsessing about that negative review, and it really did shake my confidence for a while. An ugly little voice even whispered, “Well, there you go. Proof positive that you’re a lousy writer, and you’ll never get another book contract again. Your career is sunk.” And then I dreamed I couldn’t find my car!
The funny thing is that Lost Melody is a book about dreams. A woman loses her dream/goal of being a concert pianist when she injures her hand. Then she begins having a literal dream of an upcoming disaster. So it’s no surprise that I’ve been a bit focused on dreams lately, huh?
But you know what? The realization of the reason for that dream was healing for me this morning. When I realized that the worries about one single review were affecting me to the point of intruding on my sleep, I was able to pull that worry out into the light of consciousness and examine it. WHO CARES IF THAT LADY DIDN’T LIKE MY BOOK??? I love the book! Lori C, my co-author, loves the book. Dozens of others who have read the book love it and have heaped extravagant praise on it. My career is not sunk! And not only that, I know exactly where my car is!
Whew! What a relief!

Purchase at your local bookstore, or online at or Or read on Kindle or Nook.