
Book Cover for INTO THE DEEP Revealed!

I received an exciting email today -- the finalized cover for my twelfth novel, Into the Deep. What do you think?

I've said this before, but some of you may have missed it so I'll say it again: most authors don't get to choose the picture that goes on their book covers. Yes, I know that's shocking to the average reader who doesn't know the ins and outs of the publishing industry, but trust me, it's true. We do have input, but the final say-so belongs to those within the publisher's marketing department who are savvy about things like reader appeal and so on. I'm totally okay with that, especially when the cover artist comes up with something as eye-catching as this!

Into the Deep is a romantic suspense/mystery with a scuba diving theme. Those who have read the pre-published story (my husband, my sister, and my mother) say it's my most exciting mystery yet. I can't wait for it to hit bookstores in October. In fact, I probably won't wait. As soon as my author copies arrive -- sometime in late August probably -- I'll start giving them away just so I can hear what readers think. So be sure to stay tuned to the Reader Fun page of my website so you won't miss an opportunity.