
Pray your Way Through Advent - Introduction

Earlier this week my husband and I attended a fun church event where we made our own advent wreath. I was reminded of a devotional booklet I started writing a few years ago, so when I got home I pulled it out and read it. Not too bad. So I've decided to post the daily readings here on my blog. And then next year maybe I'll release the devotional in booklet form.

Advent officially begins this year on Sunday, December 2. On Saturday I'll post an introduction to Advent and the Advent Wreath. Then beginning on Sunday I will post a daily devotional using the Advent Wreath as a guide. Each  post will consist of a scripture verse, a thought related to that verse, and a brief prayer. The daily posts are designed to take only a few minutes, but together we will build our anticipation of Christmas Day, the day we celebrate the first coming of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Thank you for joining me on this journey as we Pray Our Way Through Advent.

Copyright (c) 2018 by Virginia Smith. All Rights Reserved.

1 comment:

  1. I bought my first Advent wreath two years ago. I'd never had one before, and I love it.


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