
Where I've Been and Where I'm Going

Okay, so I surfed over to look at my website the other day and realized I've been neglectful. My blog is outdated, my Reader Fun page is outdated, my upcoming events aren't posted...gosh, didja think I disappeared?

Never fear - I am here! Sometimes life gets in the way of social networking, though, ya know? That's happened to me for the last month. And I wouldn't have it any other way, actually. Here's what I've been up to:

  • My grandson turned ONE at the end of July. Yep - one year since his birth. I can't believe it. We threw a big party at my house to celebrate the event, and to make the event special Grammy Great and Great Aunt Patti flew in. It was a wonderful time!

  • I've finished one new novel, written proposals for two more, and am working on two others! My writing life has never been busier, or more rewarding, than it is right now.

  • I finished my daily Bible reading about the life of Elisha, and started on the kings of Israel and Judah. Hmmm...lots to learn. I hope nobody ever studies my life and pinpoints examples of how not to act!

  • I've launched Next Step Books, a small press publisher focusing on releasing books of people I know who have a story to tell and choose not to go the traditional publishing route. This is proving to be far more rewarding that I initially expected, and I find myself spending more and more time on it. Purely a labor of love, and a fun hobby!

  • My husband bought me an exciting gift the other day - my own motorcycle! Yep, I'm going to take the plunge and learn to ride myself. It's a Honda Interceptor, red white and blue, and a beautiful little bike. Right now it's in pieces in the garage while Ted checks it out. I'll keep you posted on my progress.

As you can see, my time has not been idle. Nor will it be for the forseeable future. I've got several fun book events over the next several months. I'll tell you about them in an upcoming blog post.

For now ... enjoy what's left of the summer! It's fading fast!