
Starlighter by Bryan Davis

By Bryan Davis

From the pen of Bryan Davis, bestselling author of the fantasy Dragons in our Midst series, comes a new tale of inspiration, and legends, and best of all, of dragons.

Koren is a girl in an unenviable position – she’s a slave to an unusual master, the dragon Arxad. Jason is a young man on an entirely different world who receives a message from his brother through a portal, and answers a call to help the humans enslaved to their cruel dragon masters. Their lives are set on intersecting paths, and everything revolves around a prophecy and an unhatched dragon prince.

I love fantasy stories, and especially if they have dragons in them. Starlighter is a satisfying fantasy saga, and the dragon world Davis has created is both entertaining and fascinating. Koren is an especially likable character, with the ability to make stories come alive in a way I’ve never seen in fiction before. I loved her character, and rooted for her from the first time I met her. I also enjoyed Jason’s story, and was eager to see how the two seemingly unrelated plots would connect. They did, with satisfying results. My only complaint with Starlighter is that it’s obviously the first of a series, so I’ll have to wait for the next book to see the ending to Jason’s and Koren’s story.

Thanks to Zondervan for supplying a review copy of Starlighter. I recommend this story for anyone who enjoys well-written young adult inspirational fantasy.

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