
Online Chat with ACFW Book Club

Third Time's a Charm was the featured book for April on the ACFW Book Club. We had a great discussion! I loved seeing what people liked about Third Time's a Charm and what they didn't like, what they thought of the characters, and how Tori's story touched them. A huge THANK YOU goes out to everyone who participated.

To round out the book club discussion, I participated in a live online chat on May 3rd. Another great conversation with some terrific questions and comments. Again, THANK YOU to all who joined in. I really enjoyed talking with you!

If you'd like to read a transcript of the chat, you can read it here. The book club coordinator, Nora St. Laurent, did a terrific job of keeping us organized. Even so, we strayed a bit. :-) The transcript can be a little confusing in places, but if you read it from top to bottom you'll get the hang of it soon enough.

I was truly honored to have Third Time's a Charm selected as the April book for the ACFW Book Club. What a privilege to have my book discussed by people who love Christian fiction! To find out more about the book club, visit the Yahoo group page here.