
Christmas Decorations, Books, and Other Treasures

Feeling all warm and Christmassy? I am! My tree is up, twinkling gloriously in the front window so the whole neighborhood can see it. I've supported the Boy Scouts this year, and have a beautiful fresh wreath hanging on my front door. And best of all, today the UPS man delivered the fourth and final piece of the collection that holds a place of honor on the coffee table in my living room -- Dr. Seuss's How the Grinch Stole Christmas playset! It looks so cool!

I'm also feeling happy about an article I wrote for the December issue of Christian Fiction Online Magazine. If you have ever cherished hopes of writing a book, don't miss "The Book of Your Heart." Even if you're not a writer, you will enjoy this Christmassy look at the very first book that I cherished in my heart. You can read it here .

If you missed the December-January issue of my newsletter, I hope you'll click over and read my Christmas wish for you here .

And don't forget to check out the book trailer for Age before Beauty!